Your Order Has Been Received

How To Install:

    1. 1. Follow the tutorial for installation based on your device (click here: website of smarteriptv pro), Or click on the installation tutorial in the menu.
  1. 2. Log in with your credentials: (playlist name, username, password, URL1)
  2. NB1: If login fails, use URL2 instead of URL1. NB2: Credentials are case-sensitive, so please enter them exactly as provided and double-check before clicking “Add User”. NB3: The M3U link is optional but is required in some applications instead of a username, password, and URL. NB4: If you use a MAG device, please send us your order number and your MAC address to create your portal.

Contact us to receive your account information. Send Email of purchase or your name via WhatsApp and/or email, as provided on the form. You will receive your account information immediately during working hours, or just wait between 3-4 hours.


NB: If you haven’t contacted us, we will send your account information to the email and WhatsApp number provided on the form.

Read all the steps of the payment process until the end

1 . Click "Send" And Enter only $242 (additional fee apply as this a family, friend transaction)

2 . In the field, type your email address where you want to receive your credentials.

3 . Select "Sending to a friend" to ensure it's processed as a family and friend transaction

If you didn't see the 'payment as friend' option, please contact us so we can show you, as we can't accept payment as goods and services.

Read all the steps of the payment process until the end

1 . Click "Send" And Enter only $174 (additional fee apply as this a family, friend transaction)

2 . In the field, type your email address where you want to receive your credentials.

3 . Select "Sending to a friend" to ensure it's processed as a family and friend transaction

If you didn't see the 'payment as friend' option, please contact us so we can show you, as we can't accept payment as goods and services.

Read all the steps of the payment process until the end

1 . Click "Send" And Enter only $115 (additional fee apply as this a family, friend transaction)

2 . In the field, type your email address where you want to receive your credentials.

3 . Select "Sending to a friend" to ensure it's processed as a family and friend transaction

If you didn't see the 'payment as friend' option, please contact us so we can show you, as we can't accept payment as goods and services.

Read all the steps of the payment process until the end

1 . Click "Send" And Enter only $76 ( additional fee apply as this a family, friend transaction )

2 . In the field, type your email address where you want to receive your credentials.

3 . Select "Sending to a friend" to ensure it's processed as a family and friend transaction

If you didn't see the 'payment as friend' option, please contact us so we can show you, as we can't accept payment as goods and services.

Read all the steps of the payment process until the end

1 . Click "Send" And Enter only $174 (additional fee apply as this a family, friend transaction)

2 . In the field, type your email address where you want to receive your credentials.

3 . Select "Sending to a friend" to ensure it's processed as a family and friend transaction

If you didn't see the 'payment as friend' option, please contact us so we can show you, as we can't accept payment as goods and services.

Read all the steps of the payment process until the end

1 . Click "Send" And Enter only $115 (additional fee apply as this a family, friend transaction)

2 . In the field, type your email address where you want to receive your credentials.

3 . Select "Sending to a friend" to ensure it's processed as a family and friend transaction

If you didn't see the 'payment as friend' option, please contact us so we can show you, as we can't accept payment as goods and services.

Read all the steps of the payment process until the end

1 . Click "Send" And Enter only $76 ( additional fee apply as this a family, friend transaction )

2 . In the field, type your email address where you want to receive your credentials.

3 . Select "Sending to a friend" to ensure it's processed as a family and friend transaction

If you didn't see the 'payment as friend' option, please contact us so we can show you, as we can't accept payment as goods and services.

Read all the steps of the payment process until the end

1 . Click "Send" And Enter only $47 ( additional fee apply as this a family, friend transaction )

2 . In the field, type your email address where you want to receive your credentials.

3 . Select "Sending to a friend" to ensure it's processed as a family and friend transaction

If you didn't see the 'payment as friend' option, please contact us so we can show you, as we can't accept payment as goods and services.

Read all the steps of the payment process until the end

1 . Click "Send" And Enter only $115 (additional fee apply as this a family, friend transaction)

2 . In the field, type your email address where you want to receive your credentials.

3 . Select "Sending to a friend" to ensure it's processed as a family and friend transaction

If you didn't see the 'payment as friend' option, please contact us so we can show you, as we can't accept payment as goods and services.

Read all the steps of the payment process until the end

1 . Click "Send" And Enter only $76 ( additional fee apply as this a family, friend transaction )

2 . In the field, type your email address where you want to receive your credentials.

3 . Select "Sending to a friend" to ensure it's processed as a family and friend transaction

If you didn't see the 'payment as friend' option, please contact us so we can show you, as we can't accept payment as goods and services.

Read all the steps of the payment process until the end

1 . Click "Send" And Enter only $62 ( additional fee apply as this a family, friend transaction )

2 . In the field, type your email address where you want to receive your credentials.

3 . Select "Sending to a friend" to ensure it's processed as a family and friend transaction

If you didn't see the 'payment as friend' option, please contact us so we can show you, as we can't accept payment as goods and services.

Read all the steps of the payment process until the end

1 . Click "Send" And Enter only $38 ( additional fee apply as this a family, friend transaction )

2 . In the field, type your email address where you want to receive your credentials.

3 . Select "Sending to a friend" to ensure it's processed as a family and friend transaction

If you didn't see the 'payment as friend' option, please contact us so we can show you, as we can't accept payment as goods and services.

Read all the steps of the payment process until the end

1 . Click "Send" And Enter only $76 ( additional fee apply as this a family, friend transaction )

2 . In the field, type your email address where you want to receive your credentials.

3 . Select "Sending to a friend" to ensure it's processed as a family and friend transaction

If you didn't see the 'payment as friend' option, please contact us so we can show you, as we can't accept payment as goods and services.

Read all the steps of the payment process until the end

1 . Click "Send" And Enter only $46 ( additional fee apply as this a family, friend transaction )

2 . In the field, type your email address where you want to receive your credentials.

3 . Select "Sending to a friend" to ensure it's processed as a family and friend transaction

If you didn't see the 'payment as friend' option, please contact us so we can show you, as we can't accept payment as goods and services.

Read all the steps of the payment process until the end

1 . Click "Send" And Enter only $33 ( additional fee apply as this a family, friend transaction )

2 . In the field, type your email address where you want to receive your credentials.

3 . Select "Sending to a friend" to ensure it's processed as a family and friend transaction

If you didn't see the 'payment as friend' option, please contact us so we can show you, as we can't accept payment as goods and services.

Read all the steps of the payment process until the end

1 . Click "Send" And Enter only $24 ( additional fee apply as this a family, friend transaction )

2 . In the field, type your email address where you want to receive your credentials.

3 . Select "Sending to a friend" to ensure it's processed as a family and friend transaction

If you didn't see the 'payment as friend' option, please contact us so we can show you, as we can't accept payment as goods and services.